About Us


"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."
1 Peter 4:10
Hon. Rev. Scott Kerns portrait

Hon. Rev. Scot Kerns


Jean Wehrle

    Office Administrator

Gary Sandt

Lay Deacon

Sue Tucker


Brenda Cavella

Choir Director

Lori Brewer

Handbell Choir Director

Click here to visit the expanded Leadership Directory.

Board of Elders

The Board of Elders are the overseers of the spiritual development of the Church. They assure that the Word of God is taught and preached properly and truly care about the spiritual wellbeing of each member of the Congregation. One of their main focal points is to make each member aware of his/her privileges and responsibilities. They are also designated to help Pastor in the performance of his duties. They coordinate the care of each of our members including those of our professional workers. They are responsible for the worship of the Congregation.

Church Council

The Church Council fulfills the responsibilities and obligations designated to it by the Bylaws and Constitution of Faith Lutheran Church. The Church Council is responsible for the spiritual growth and welfare of the Congregation, the involvement of the Congregation in its mission and ministry to the community and be responsible for church facilities, finances, and administration. The Pastor is an ex-officio member of the Church Council.

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